FAQs About Our Application Process

How do I apply?
The first step is for each adult (18 years or older) who would live on the premises to submit an application. It's easy! Fill it out from your phone, tablet, or computer. If you are qualified, and you're interested in pursuing a rental, then there is a $40 background/credit check that each adult must complete. That fee will cover ID/bank/pay verification, background/credit check, and pet verification. You will be required to enter your credit or debit card information in order to submit your application. https://safehomepm.managebuilding.com/Resident/rental-application/new

You do NOT need to submit multiple applications if you are interested in more than one property.

How do I get a showing?
We do not do showings until we have approved applicants. If you are interested in one of our properties, we encourage you to put in an application (remember, each person 18 and older must submit an application). 

What will be considered for approval?
Among other things, the three major things we look at when screening an applicant are:

  1. Do you have any evictions/unresolved judgments against you?
  2. Your total income needs to be at least three times what your rent would be. Do you have enough verifiable income to qualify?
  3. Do you have good references from your previous landlords?

I've never rented before. Would I be approved?
Possibly. In this case, your income would be heavily considered.

How quickly will my application be reviewed?
It generally takes a week or so to get responses from employers and past landlords.

Do we accept housing vouchers?
Yes, we do, but we still have a minimum income requirement that has to be met. Be sure to provide proof of ALL your sources of income that you will use to qualify (including your voucher).

Can I have a friend move in with me after I've moved in?
Possibly. Your friend will need to apply and be approved before moving in. Otherwise, having someone stay with you longterm is a likely violation of your lease.

Do we accept pets?
Yes! We are pet friendly. Pet rent is $25/month per animal with a two-animal maximum.

What about service animals or emotional support animals?
Absolutely (with the proper documentation)!

However, be aware that the following Missouri statutory sections became effective on August 28, 2022:

Sec. 209.204. 1. Any person who knowingly impersonates a person with a disability for the purpose of receiving the accommodations regarding service dogs under the Americans with Disabilities Act, 42 U.S.C. Section 12101, et seq., is guilty of a class C misdemeanor and shall also be civilly liable for the amount of any actual damages resulting from such impersonation. Any second or subsequent violation of this section is a class B misdemeanor.

Sec. 209.204.2. No person shall knowingly misrepresent a dog as a service dog for the purpose of receiving the accommodations regarding service dogs under the Americans with Disabilities Act, 42 U.S.C. Section 12101, et seq. For purposes of this section, "misrepresent a dog as a service dog" means a representation by word or action that a dog has been trained as a service dog as defined in section 16 209.200.

Sec. 209.204.3. No person shall knowingly misrepresent any animal as an assistance animal for the purpose of receiving the accommodations regarding assistance animals under the Fair Housing Act, 42 U.S.C. Section 3601, et seq., or the Rehabilitation Act, U.S.C. Section 701, et seq. For the purposes of this section an "assistance animal" is an animal that works, provides assistance, or performs tasks, or is being trained to work, provide assistance, or perform tasks, for the benefit of a person with a disability, or that provides emotional support that alleviates one or more identified effects of a person's disability. While dogs are the most common type of assistance animal, other animals may also be assistance animals.

A first offense under these sections is a class C misdemeanor, punishable by a fine up to $750 and imprisonment for up to 15 days. A second offense is a class B misdemeanor, punishable by a fine up to $1,000 and imprisonment for up to 6 months.

Rental Application

Interested in one of our properties?

Apply online